We want your feedback! Please let us know what you think about TFS. Do you have an interesting story or article that you would like to share? If so, please let us know!
Reader Comments:
I enjoy the TFS. In fact, occasionally I like to print some of the articles to be able to review them in the future.
James L. M.
Whenever we come back in from the field it’s always a good day when “The First Shot” is in. I drill the guys in the fundamentals – many of which I learned and fine tuned at CMP matches – and it comes back in spades out here when it really counts!
Dean H.
LTC - US Army
Security Advisor
Finally caught up with the October '06 story: A Rifle For Shifty. It was simply one of the best things I've read. As someone who had two uncles in combat in WWII, one air corps and one infantry, I will forever believe those men were heroes of the first echelon. Anything any of us can do for any of them is simply the least we can do.
Steve R.
Birmingham, Alabama
The article about Bill Krilling was very good, a great shooter, coach and a gentlemen to boot!
Ruth S.
Thanksfor the great stories and tips. Even old dogs can learn new tricks. This is great for keeping the CMP active.
Tim H., AZ
I just read the article on slings. Very good! Please include other "how to" items in the future.
David S.
Moxee, WA
The story of the M1 rifle that was presented to Shifty of the 101 airborne makes me proud to be part of the shooting community. Thank you for adding it to the TFS.
Mike S.
What a great article: “A Rifle for Shifty” … that has to be one of the best stories I’ve read in quite some time. Thanks for publishing it.
Alex N.
Thank You again Christine, very good articles.
Ms. Elder, just a note to say that there are few things I look forward to receiving by email, and the Shooting News publication is one of them!
It is always a high quality publication with a nice mix of text and image, about interesting things and folks.
Keep up the good work!
Phil B., Ph.D.
Annapolis, MD
That was a great story! Thanks for publishing it.
Regards from Dakota,
Jim S.
PS: I forwarded it to all my shooter friends.
This story about the "Gift for Shifty" is one of the best stories I have read so far....An example of selfless appreciation for the WW2 vets that helped make this such a wonderful country...God bless our past and present troops.
Ron W.
The story "A Rifle For Shifty" really hit me. What a wonderful tribute to one of this countries nearly forgotten heroes.
Kudos to all who were involved with finding and presenting him with "his" rifle. Thanks to those of you who shared the story.
John S.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading A Rifle for Shifty. We owe our WW2 veterans a debt we can never repay. I wish I could provide all of them with a similar token of appreciation.
Jeff C.
CMP Board Officer invested as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army
By Judith Legerski, Vice Chair, CMP Board of Directors
Francis J. Harvey, Secretary of the Army, presented the CASA flag to Harry Sieben as he was sworn in as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for Minnesota.
Harry A. Sieben was sworn in as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for Minnesota on October 27, 2006. Francis J. Harvey, Secretary of the Army, administered the oath, presented the CASA flag, and pinned the CASA pin on Mr. Sieben. Following the investiture Secretary Harvey hosted a luncheon in the Pentagon. in honor of the new CASA.
Mr. Sieben was accompanied by a number of members of the Minnesota Air National Guard, from which he had retired at the rank of Major General. Charlie Maddox and Judy Legerski, CMP Chair and Vice Chair, were also in attendance. They have each served as CASAs for a number of years and have been awarded the honor of CASA Emeritus status.
Mr. Sieben is a nationally recognized personal injury attorney. He was educated in Minnesota, receiving his BA from Winona State University and his Juris Doctorate Degree form the Minnesota Law School in Minneapolis. The Harry A. Sieben Award is awarded to a student at William Mitchell College of Law annually.
After serving seven years with US Army Reserve, Military Intelligence Branch, he received a direct commission in the Minnesota Air National Guard in April 1975. He served in the Judge Advocate General's Corps for the 133rd Airlift Wing, 148th Fighter Wing and Headquarters Minnesota Air National Guard. In 1990, he was appointed by the governor to the position of State Judge Advocate for the Minnesota National Guard. He served as Assistant Adjutant General, Air, and later as acting Adjutant General for the State of Minnesota. He was promoted to Major General in 2003.
Mr. Sieben served his state in the Minnesota House of Representatives from 1971 though 1985. He was elected Speaker of the House and served in that capacity from 1981 to 1985.
The new CASA presently serves on the Board of Directors of the Civilian Marksmanship Program as an officer, and on the Boards of the Regina Medical Center and Starbase Minnesota.
The CASA program was instituted in 1950 and serves to promote good relations between the Army and public. CASAs act as spokespersons for and advisors to the United States Army.