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Reader Comments:

CMP Shooters' News is one of my favorite email news publications. Information packed, talented authors, timely subjects, and all around well done. What a great service you are providing to the shooting community. Just wanted to say thanks and Merry Christmas. Newt E.
I enjoy and look forward to TFS and the excellent articles that are published on a regular basis. Please keep this publication coming and keep the CMP active. Don M.
One of the members at Snipers Hide pointed out the newsletter and the High Power Tips articles by the USAMU team.
Darn you! I was up until 1:00 AM last night reading all of the articles. Great newsletter and really great USAMU articles.
Michael E.
Great article written on physical conditioning in the latest TFS. I was one of likely many who had asked about the type of conditioning recommended for serious shooters. Sgt. Craig did a great job on describing the routines. Now it’s my turn to put it to work.
Thanks to you, Sgt. Craig and other contributors who share best practices of shooting excellence.
Keith H.
I use these articles in our high power clinics and have found them very helpful for both new shooters and reinforcement of the basics for the more experienced.
Thanks, Gary M.
Thanks for the great articles on the Carbine, Springfield, Garand matches. All the articles are interesting, but the Carbine, Springfield & Garand are my favorites.
Jim H.
The September-07 on line shooting tips by SSG Tobie Tomlinson, USAMU Service Rifle Team Member, is a great article. I have reproduced 15 copies of it to hand out and discuss to our “newbie” first year air rifle shooters on our high school JROTC Air Rifle Team. Come to think about it believe I’ll hand out a copy to my advance shooters as well. His explanations are simple to understand but rich in detail. Coupled with the sight pictures this article will go a long way towards helping all our JROTC shooters obtain better sight patterns. Keep up the great work. AND…..keep the articles like this coming.
Malcolm V.
CW2 (R), US Army
It seemed good to read the article on Infantry Trophy Match. As a shooter on the Marine Corp Team way back in 1967 I participated in the Match. We were the second team for the Marines but placed second overall. One of our shooters forgot to put the windage on his rifle. I enjoyed shooting the M-1 and M-14 at Camp Perry and always wanted to go back but never seemed to find the time. The top over all shooter at that time was my team mate Lt. Bowen. I remember some of the team members carrying him from the 600 yd line back to the rest of us. It was a great time in my life and will never forget it. Thanks again for the article.
Mike A.
Thanks for the great series of articles from the USAMU – they are very readable, and usable!
Tom, AZ
Great articles. Great to identify those who are participating as well as those who are working behind the scenes to make the whole of the National Matches run so well.
David D.
Boxford, MA
This is a special note just for my friends at the CMP, I want to thank you all for your hard work and attention to details, it's a great program!
"You help our shooting dreams come true!"
Best Regards,
Tony M.

Printable Version

Qualifiers for the JROTC Nationals

By Gary Anderson, DCM

144 JROTC Cadets representing 62 JROTC units in 25 states and one Defense Department high school in Germany qualified for the 2008 National JROTC Air Rifle Championship that will take place on Army Marksmanship Unit facilities at Fort Benning, Georgia on 27-29 March. This year’s qualifiers include, for the first time, Air Force Cadets. The JROTC Nationals now take place in early spring and culminate the shooting seasons for Army, Marine Corps, Navy and now Air Force JROTC Cadets.

An estimated 100,000 cadets in 1,700 JROTC units nationwide participate in the instructional phase of the JROTC program that typically begins in the fall of each year. The competition phase of the program begins in November and December when JROTC units with rifle teams fire in JROTC Postals. This year, 5,978 cadets and 1,101 unit teams participated in the four service’s postal competitions. This was the largest participation ever in these competitions.

The 6th Annual National JROTC Air Rifle Championship will take place on U. S. Army Marksmanship Unit facilities at Fort Benning, Georgia on 27-29 March.

The JROTC Nationals offer both team and individual events in both sporter and precision classes. This year’s sporter qualifiers include four Army, Marine Corps and Navy teams and two teams from the new Air Force program. The Air Force has not yet ventured into precision class competition, but four unit teams each from the Army, Marine Corps and Navy JROTC programs will compete for precision class honors.

At-large individual qualifiers are cadets who had high individual scores in the Region Championships, but whose teams did not qualify for the Nationals. 22 at-large qualifiers, six each from the Army, Marine Corps and Navy and four from the Air Force, will compete in sporter class. 18 at-large qualifiers will contend for individual titles in the precision class. The individual sporter and precision class championships at the JROTC Nationals will include all team members plus the at-large individuals.

King George HS NJROTC from King George, Virginia, was the top sporter team qualifier for the 2008 JROTC Nationals. King George is the defending JROTC Nationals Sporter Class Champion.

King George High School NJROTC from King George, Virginia, was the top sporter qualifier with a score of 2170. King George won the 2007 JROTC National Sporter Class team championship with a 2164 average over two days of firing. The second highest sporter team qualifier was Ozark High School AJROTC from Ozark, Missouri, with a 2158. The Ozark team set the current sporter team national record at the Montgomery Bell Classic last October where they fired 2197. Other teams that can be expected to challenge for the national title at Fort Benning include R. L. Paschal High School AJROTC from Fort Worth, Texas, that qualified at 2140; Reed High School NJROTC from Sparks, Nevada, that qualified at 2130 and Tuba City High School MCJROTC from Tuba City, Arizona, that qualified at 2123.

The top precision class team qualifier was another Navy team, Union Grove High School NJROTC from McDonough, Georgia. Union Grove fired a 2314 in the Eastern Region Championship. Other top precision qualifiers were East Coweta High School MCJROTC, Sharpsburg, Georgia, 2304; La Cueva High School MCJROTC, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2291; Del Valle High School AJROTC, El Paso, Texas, 2285; Henry County High School NJROTC, McDonough, Georgia, also 2185 and Manzano High School MCJROTC, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Henry County won the 2007 JROTC Nationals precision team competition. With qualifying scores that close, any one of the top six or eight precision team qualifiers could win the national title.

Union Grove HS NJROTC from McDonough, Georgia, was the top precision class qualifier with a 2314 total. This score established a new NJROTC national team record.

At Fort Benning, teams will fire one 4x3x20 course of fire on Friday, 28 March, and a second 4x3x20 course on Saturday. All team firing is scheduled to finish at 3:00 PM on 29 March. Persons who are following the competition results on the CMP web site should be able to view final team results at at that time.

The CMP is providing $11,000 in cash awards to the winning teams. The overall winning precision and sporter teams receive $2,000 each. The top sporter and precision teams representing each service will receive $1,000 each.

Nicole Heitmeyer’s 648.4 fired at Fort Benning topped all sporter class Region Championship scores.

The top individual sporter class scores in the Eastern and Western Region Championships were a 648.4 aggregate fired by Nicole Heitmeyer of King George High School in the East and a 645.0 total by Marco Aguyo from Pharr-San Juan-Alamo High School in San Juan, Texas, in the West. The best precision class Region scores were a 685.2 total fired by Kelly Audet of Burke High School of Omaha, Nebraska in the West and a 684.8 final score by East Coweta High School’s Courtney Duncan in the East.

To determine the National JROTC individual championships at Fort Benning, there will be an individual final on each day of competition. The top eight individuals in each rifle class on Friday will fire a sporter final that starts at 4:30 PM and a precision final that will start after the sporter final at about 5:15 PM. The top eight individual competitors in each class on Saturday will fire a second final with the precision final starting at 3:30 PM and the sporter final at 4:15.

Anyone who would like to view these finals on-line as they are fired shot-by-shot can do so by logging onto the results page at and then opening the page for the Individual Sporter or Precision Class Final. Final round competitions can be especially interesting when the scores are close and individual places change after each shot.

Burke High School (NE) junior Kelly Audet had best overall individual score in either JROTC Region Championship with a 685.2 total.

Congratulations is extended to every JROTC unit team and at-large individual that qualified for the 2008 National JROTC Air Rifle Championship at Fort Benning. The complete list of qualifiers plus other championship information is posted at Good luck at Fort Benning!


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