2006 Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches Now Open for Entries
By Gary Anderson, DCM
Members of the top military highpower rifle teams will be at Camp Pendleton 1 November to contend for Creedmoor Cup team and individual titles. |
Shooters who plan to participate in the 2006 3rd Western CMP Games Garand, Springfield and Military Rifle Matches or in the 2006 Creedmoor Cup Match may now submit their entries and reserve entry spaces in what has already become the biggest rifle competition in the Western United States.
The CMP rifle sales operation will again be on hand at Camp Pendleton to offer competitors and visitors opportunities to select and purchase government surplus rifles. |
The official match program is now posted on the CMP web site at http://www.odcmp.com/
Competitions/westerngames.htm. The program provides detailed information about a full nine days of clinics, matches and shooting sports camaraderie that will take place at Camp Pendleton, California on 4-12 November 2006. The Civilian Marksmanship is sponsoring the Western CMP Games that begin with a five-hour clinic on Saturday, 4 November, followed by three days of Garand, Springfield and Vintage Military Rifle Matches on 5-7 November. Creedmoor Sports, Inc. of Oceanside, California, is the sponsoring the Creedmoor Cup Matches begin on Wednesday, 8 November, with a day-long highpower rifle clinic, followed by four days of service and match rifle competition that attracts the top shooters in the country.
Many of the nation’s best highpower rifle shooters will be Camp Pendleton to instruct and coach shooters in two days of clinics. |
The Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches are combined to give shooters interested in highpower rifle shooting at any level from beginners and shooters just looking for an enjoyable day on the range up to and including the nation’s best highpower rifle shooters a competitive experience that will challenge and excite them. The Western Games and Creedmoor Cup competitions seek to be second only to the National Matches in prestige and importance.
The program offers two days of clinics where the nations best instructors and coaches can help you learn and improve. There are seven days of competition on Camp Pendleton’s fine ranges. The CMP will have a truckload of M1 Garands, Springfields and other rifles there to inspect and purchase. The days on the range will end with social events that include two cook-outs and daily award ceremonies.
The 2006 Western CMP Games includes opportunities to fire in Garand, Springfield and Vintage Military Rifle Matches as well as a special As-Issued M1 Garand EIC Match. |
The official match program and entry forms are now posted on the CMP web site at http://www.odcmp.com/Competitions/westerngames.htm You can enter both the CMP Games Matches and the Creedmoor Cup Matches on-line through the CMP web site at http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgi-bin/matchInfo.cgi?matchID=1643.
The 2006 Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches will take place at Camp Pendleton, California on 4-12 November. Competitors can now download the official match program and enter on-line. |