We want your feedback! Please let us know what you think about TFS. Do you have an interesting story or article that you would like to share? If so, please let us know!
Reader Comments:
A year ago I read a CMP ad in a magazine and decided to check out your web
site. I was impressed with the quality of the site and the information provided.
I drove to Camp Perry to check the NM action first hand and was impressed with
the "Opening Shot" ceremonies. While visiting the vendors booths I purchased a
shooters jacket, glove, pad, and two M1's from the CMP store. The last time I
shot an M1 was 45 years ago at Cherry Point, NC where I was a coach and
instructor on the rifle range. Thanks for the help and information you provided
to reactivate my interest in the shooting sports. At 67 years young it's never
to late!!
M.M. Troy
Thanks for another great update!
R. K.
I enjoyed reading the Double Distinguised article.
Well written and inspirational.
Enjoy receiving and reading. Thanks for what you do!
Pete Hodges
Thank you so much for this newsletter.
My cadets and I found it to contain tons of useful information.
You guys at CMP are the greatest.
Keep up the good work.
Chief Mack, Burbank NJROTC
Thank you for your wonderful Newsletter! As the parent of 2 Junior Shooters (they shoot high power, .22, air rifle, archery... essentially anything that will send a projectile through the air!) I really appreciate the coverage that you provide.
You are so organized and provide information to keep the news, support programs and resources at my fingertips.
Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
Oh, please pass along my sincere appreciation to the wonderful group of Marines that hosted and taught the Marine Corps Junior High Power Clinic and also to the wonderful and dedicated Army Marksmen that hosted and taught the Small Arms Firing School. I had children in each and they both had a fabulous time! They looked forward to attending each day and the interaction and coaching exceeded our high expectations! They went above and beyond. Thank you!
Tami R.
Please keep up the good work. Thanks you for you information on CMP. I love to visit the Camp Perry store when possible so this news letter seems to keep me in touch with you all. Thanks again Paul Miller
Paul M.
Thank you... it was an awesome week and experience at Camp Perry
for both my son and me. We loved it and loved the CMP staff who were friendly
and very helpful. :-)
I wanted to let you know that your news letter is outstanding. A lot of really
good info that I pass on to many people. Thank you.
David F.
Thanks for the work you
do. We enjoy the CMP Newsletter and updates. Sincerely, W. Chessman
I enjoy reading the email and look forward to it every week.
Eric C.
Having been a member of the Junior NRA during the late '50's where I
achieved the rating of Sharpshooter 6th Bar, I am honestly able to state that I
was pleasantly surprised and very pleased to see that you're still actively
pursuing today's youth to continue the interest of sport shooting (which I still
love). Thank you and warm regards.
Ted K., SCPO, USN Retired
Protecting Our History and Camp Perry Heritage
By Cy Byrd, OGCA President
Reproduced with permission from the Ohio Gun Collectors Association
One of the many honors I have had over the past two years as president was participating in the opening shot ceremonies at Camp Perry this summer. As some of you may remember we presented "The Guns of The National Matches" at the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits in Pittsburgh a few years ago, which won OGCA and our partner, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), a first place silver bowl for the best display. This leads me to the following request, one that is important to Ohioans and to all Americans.
As collectors we are the historians and the keepers of the culture for all firearms owners. It's the collector who studies and records the history of the gun for posterity, and in some cases rediscovering the true history of events. It's those works of love that preserve our truly American culture for the edification and enjoyment of future generations.
Since 1907, Camp Perry, Ohio in Port Clinton has been the traditional home for the National Matches. At that time, the predecessor to today’s modern CMP, the Army’s Director of Civilian Marksmanship, teamed with the National Rifle Association to conduct the National Matches.
Over the intervening years, many changes have occurred, both technologically and socially. Many of the competitors at Camp Perry have gone on to become nationally renowned in other venues ranging from Congress to the White House and from the battlefield to the state house. Camp Perry is both a tradition and an enduring part of American history. It also serves as a place of honor where the ranges are named for Ohio’s fallen sons and where many a child has grown to responsible adulthood.
But times change. Unfortunately not all changes in Ohio and at Camp Perry have been good changes and not all of the changes bode well for our history, our traditions and our culture. Unfortunately, there are those who have, over the years, ignored Camp Perry and the role it has played in preparing America’s youth to defend our country in time of war. There have even been those who have, for their own political gains, attempted to lessen the impact of Camp Perry upon our nation’s readiness and there are those who, quite frankly, do not care about the economic impact Camp Perry and the National Matches have upon the Ottawa County area – sounds familiar doesn’t it? It sounds a little like the ATA and Vandalia and our problems with Cleveland and Columbus, doesn’t it! Well, this time, we can do something about the problem because this time a broader base of the people affected – American’s shooting community and others – want to save the National Matches at Camp Perry.
I am told that the NRA, the Ohio National Guard, the CMP and others have been working diligently to upgrade the facilities and to ensure that Ohio’s shooting Mecca remains a viable venue for the National Matches. Unfortunately money is the crux of the issues, as usual. Here’s how you can help:
(1) If you live in Ohio, please call your elected legislative representatives in both Houses and tell them to save Camp Perry by allocating the funds needed to provide the housing and infrastructure necessary to ensure a safe and reasonable environment for the National Matches and for the training and housing of Ohio’s sons and daughters who train at Camp Perry.
(2) If you live outside Ohio, please call your U.S. Senators and Congressmen and deliver the same message.
(3) Attend the National Matches. Or better yet, bring the history of your collectible Garand and Springfield military rifles to life by shooting in the Springfield or Garand Match next August. Both emphasize camaraderie over competition. For more information visit
http://www.odcmp.com. Efforts are made to pair veterans with new competitors so contact the office between now and March if you would like some help, or if you can provide guidance to a fellow OGCA member.
(4) OGCA is a CMP Affiliated Club so take advantage of your benefits of membership to buy surplus rifles from the CMP which helps fund initiatives at Camp Perry. For more information contact the office or visit
Congratulations to all of our members who shot at Camp Perry this year including our business manager, Laura Knotts. Laura was squadded near 17 other OGCA members (photos below) for the Garand Match.
Some members dressed in period uniforms for the matches including Ray Kling, Jr., Warren Cook, and Michael Baker. “I do this out of respect for the men who wore these uniforms. This is a unique opportunity to mix my love for shooting with my love for history,” said Baker who dressed in a Spanish American War Army uniform for the Springfield Match.
Every little bit helps. As the protectors and preservers of our country’s firearms history and heritage, we have a duty to help protect that history and heritage by doing everything we can do to ensure that Camp Perry remains America’s shooting Mecca for another 100 years.