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Reader Comments:
I use these articles in our high power clinics and have found them very helpful for both new shooters and reinforcement of the basics for the more experienced.
Thanks, Gary M.
Thanks for the great articles on the Carbine, Springfield, Garand matches. All the articles are interesting, but the Carbine, Springfield & Garand are my favorites.
Jim H.
The September-07 on line shooting tips by SSG Tobie Tomlinson, USAMU Service Rifle Team Member, is a great article. I have reproduced 15 copies of it to hand out and discuss to our “newbie” first year air rifle shooters on our high school JROTC Air Rifle Team. Come to think about it believe I’ll hand out a copy to my advance shooters as well. His explanations are simple to understand but rich in detail. Coupled with the sight pictures this article will go a long way towards helping all our JROTC shooters obtain better sight patterns. Keep up the great work. AND…..keep the articles like this coming.
Malcolm V.
CW2 (R), US Army
It seemed good to read the article on Infantry Trophy Match. As a shooter on the Marine Corp Team way back in 1967 I participated in the Match. We were the second team for the Marines but placed second overall. One of our shooters forgot to put the windage on his rifle. I enjoyed shooting the M-1 and M-14 at Camp Perry and always wanted to go back but never seemed to find the time. The top over all shooter at that time was my team mate Lt. Bowen. I remember some of the team members carrying him from the 600 yd line back to the rest of us. It was a great time in my life and will never forget it. Thanks again for the article.
Mike A.
Thanks for the great series of articles from the USAMU – they are very readable, and usable!
Tom, AZ
Great articles. Great to identify those who are participating as well as those who are working behind the scenes to make the whole of the National Matches run so well.
David D.
Boxford, MA
This is a special note just for my friends at the CMP, I want to thank you all for your hard work and attention to details, it's a great program!
"You help our shooting dreams come true!"
Best Regards,
Tony M.
Your review of the CMP EIC brought back good memories. My son and I usually participate in the rifle event. This was the first time we participated in the pistol event. Our experience was positive and we have decided to come back and do it again next year!
I don't think that I have taken the time lately to thank you and the CMP for your faithfulness in keeping me updated on all of the CMP news. I thank you and your staff very much for the fine job you are all doing.
Many thanks, and keep up the great work!
Your article titled "Rifle Cleaning and Maintenance" was so timely. I am a novice rifle shooter, and the information is just what I needed. The owner's manual that came with my rifle is far too sketchy and assumes the new owner is experienced. This is concise yet detailed enough to make me comfortable cleaning my firearm.
Jane W.
Cleaning a rifle or handgun is not a lot of fun. The article on cleaning the rifle met the K.I.S.S. principle that I can relate to and understand. To the point.
Arthur S.
Thank you for this excellent e-newsletter. The links and information are great.
John B.
CMP Competitions Update
- Two recent CMP activities highlight how the CMP’s shooting competition season is never really over. CMP staff finished conducting the 2007 Western CMP Games Matches at Phoenix on 23 October. Eight days later, on 31 October, the CMP was involved in the Fall National Matches Planning Conference where representatives of the NRA, Ohio National Guard, USAR, Army Marksmanship Unit and USMC Shooting Teams met to evaluate the 2007 National Matches and make plans for the 2008 National Matches. The CMP staff went from that meeting into meetings to finalize details for the 2008 JROTC Championships in February and March and the Eastern CMP Games Matches in May. The purpose of this article is to bring you up to date on recent developments that will be of interest to competitive shooters who participate in this continuous cycle of CMP Championships.
2007 Creedmoor Cup Matches
- The 2007 Creedmoor Cup Matches and Clinic were held 24-28 October at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility which is located just north of Phoenix, AZ. This was a new location for the Creedmoor Cup, which is held in conjunction with the CMP Western Games. The Ben Avery Range has a long history of hosting major events including the 1970 World Shooting Championship and several National Championships. The range also has the distinction of being the largest public shooting facility in the country since the Arizona Game and Fish Department took over the operations of the complex. Camp Pendleton, CA hosted the event for the past four years, but the change of venue proved to be fortuitous because the wildfires ravaged southern California that same week and would have lead to the cancellation of the Matches.
Strapping In
- By SPC Calvin Roberts
- There are countless ways to set up a highpower rifle sling. However, there is no one way to properly assemble this crucial shooting tool. This article is not intended to walk you step by step through the “proper sling assembly process”. I am simply going to provide several tips and tricks to try out and keep in mind for your next trip to the range. The best way to learn the proper sling configuration is to talk with several experienced competitors and have them show you how they attach and use their sling. Then experiment with what you have seen to find out what works best for you.
Postal Round for the 2008 US Army
Junior Open Air Rifle Championship Begins
- The State Championship Postal Competition for the 2nd Annual US Army Junior Open Air Rifle Championships is now open for participants to begin ordering and submitting targets. The event consists of a Three-Position Air Rifle Match for the Sporter Air Rifle Class and an International Standing Air Rifle Match for the Precision Air Rifle Class. Teams and individuals have from 15 November 2007 until 15 March 2008 to enter the postal phase of the competition. This event is open to all school-age juniors, junior clubs, school teams, 4-H clubs, JROTC Units or other organizations with eligible junior members.

CMP Announces Two New Program Managers
- Dana Bacak-Lynd was recently promoted to Program Manager at CMP.
Several of her new program responsibilities are related to juniors including Postal Match Administration, tracking Three-Position Air Rifle National Records, Junior EIC Points and sanctioning Three-Position Air Rifle Matches. All are key programs in CMP’s mission in the advancement of juniors in shooting sports. There is
also a new face to the CMP State Junior Directors program and it belongs to Vicki Donoho. While Donoho is a new CMP staff member, she is not new to the CMP. She has four years of experience as a counselor with the CMP Three-Position Air Rifle Summer Camps. She joins her husband, Brad Donoho, who was hired for the
CMP Camp Riflery Manager position in July.
Physical Conditioning for Highpower Shooting
- By SGT Walter E. Craig
- In most sports, body conditioning is an absolute necessity. For example, the
need to condition the body to improve strength or speed is obvious for sporting
activities such as football, track, or swimming. Conversely, for most civilian highpower shooters, the need to condition the body to maximize shooting performance is generally not a priority. However, body conditioning is very critical to good shooting.
Friends of Camp Perry Supporting Shooters Memorial Plaza
Historic Camp Perry was established in 1906. The National Matches that were founded by an Act of Congress in 1903 were moved to Camp Perry in 1907. The Ohio National Guard post that is located just 5 miles west of Port Clinton, Ohio on
State Highway 2 has been the home of the Matches ever since. Each year over six thousand competitors, family members and volunteers who support the Matches travel to Camp Perry to be part of this great
national shooting festival and series of national championships. Camp Perry has become hallowed ground to virtually all of these National Matches participants. |
On the Long Road
- At the Rapid City South Dakota Regional on 30 June 2007 William (Bill) E. Thompson Jr. earned final “leg” points for his Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge. What makes this news exceptional is that Bill was 80 years and 7 months old when he was awarded Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge #1403.

2007 Western CMP Games—From Too-Windy-to-Shoot to Perfect Weather
- Wind was a dominating factor in the 2007 Western CMP Games that took place at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility north of Phoenix, Arizona on 20-23
October. The matches began with a clinic attended by over 70 new shooters on 20
October. When the 126 competitors who checked in for the first Garand, Springfield and Vintage Military Rifle Matches returned on Sunday morning, the overnight arrival of a strong high pressure system with sustained winds of 30 mph and gusts up to 60 mph forced the cancellation of the day’s matches. Two 30-shot events were fired on Monday when strong winds of 15-30 mph prevailed. Then on Tuesday, the final day of the Western Games Matches, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and the winds were dead calm.