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2008 Eastern Creedmoor Cup Matches

Army Marksmen Take Top Places in the EIC, Creedmoor Cup and Team Matches

Submitted by Maureen Trickett

SGT Brandon Green of the U. S. Army Marksmanship Unit finished with a 495-15X in the Creedmoor Cup EIC Match.

The 2nd Eastern Creedmoor Cup Matches took place at Camp Butner, NC on 8-11 May 2008. These matches were held in conjunction with the Eastern CMP Games Matches that concluded earlier in the week. 343 competitors attended the Camp Butner competitions this year.

Sgt. Brandon Green of the Army Marksmanship Unit took first place overall in the Creedmoor EIC Match, dropping only five points. He finished with a score of 495-15X. Placing in second and third, also from the AMU, were SFC Lance Dement 493-18X and SFC Grant Singley 492-17X.

Raleigh (NC) junior Christopher Hudock was the high Non-Distinguished shooter in the Creedmoor Cup EIC Match earning his last EIC points to become a Distinguished Rifleman.

The high Non-Distinguished shooter in the Creedmoor Cup EIC Match was Christopher Hudock of Raleigh, NC who fired 488-16X. This gave him the 30 points that he needed to become the latest shooter to go Distinguished. Also earning EIC points were Jeffery Lindblom, Rumney NH, 482-11X; Matthew Judd, Fort Meade, MD, 482-10X; SGT Scott Grant, Fort Mitchell, AL, 478-8X; SSgt Aaron Bosch, Quantico, VA, 477-14X; Robert Case, Crestview, FL, 475-12X; Jeffery Clark, Davie, FL, 475-10X; Daniel Karmolinski Jr., Crestview, FL, 473-12X and Michael Touchstone, Canton, GA, 472-14X. The infamous “first leather” designation went to Robert Leach Sr., Lancaster, MA, who fired 470-8X to just miss making the EIC points list.

The 80- shot aggregate Creedmoor Cup Match was on Saturday and despite the threat of weather the match ran very smoothly under the expert management of Chief Range Officer Dick Whiting who kept everyone moving in the right direction and on their toes.

SFC Grant Singley, USA, was the Creedmoor Cup overall winner.

The overall Winner of the Creedmoor Cup was SFC Grant Singley of the USAMU with a score of 790-31X. The second place shooter was SPC Tyrel Cooper, USAMU, with 787-26. Third place overall and high Match Rifle competitor was Troy Lawton, Columbus, GA, with 787-25X. SGT Brandon Green was third service rifle with a 785-34X.

The Creedmoor Cup offered a series of individual matches, classifications and rifle types. Individual match winners with the Service Rifle were:

  • Standing, SFC Grant Singley, USAMU, 199-7X

  • Sitting Rapid, SFC Kyle Ward, USAMU, 200-15X

  • Prone Rapid, SGT Brandon Green, USAMU, 200-8X

  • Prone Slow, Nathaniel Guernsey, Centreville, VA, 197-3X

Individual Match Rifle winners were:

  • Standing, Troy Lawton 197-6X

  • Sitting Rapid, Bo Seppenfield, Dawsonville, GA, 199-7X

  • Prone Rapid, Vince Davis, Lewisville, NC, 200-8X

  • Prone Slow, Carlton Hardin, Duluth, GA, 197-8X

High Senior went to Douglas Morrison, Moneta, VA, with a score of 781-30X. The High Junior was Jason Case, Crestview, FL. As the High Junior, Jason was presented with a Bushmaster DCM-XR competition rifle, donated by Bushmaster Firearms.

The Camp Butner National Guard Training Site was the host range for the Creedmoor Cup Matches.

After a great day of shooting and no rain or tornados all competitors were treated to a delicious BBQ dinner. Winners of the Creedmoor and EIC matches were announced and medals given out. With the help of the CMP Staff, Dennis Demille, General Manager, Creedmoor Sports raffled off several great prizes to the match participants. Items donated varied from spotting scopes to hardback coats. A lot of shooters went home with some great donated gifts.

The team matches the next day did not fare as well weather-wise as the Creedmoor Cup Match did. Threats of tornados and rain cut the day short. The match was canceled after all members of all teams had completed only the standing stage, resulting in a 40-shot team match. The USAMU took the top three places. The winning team was USAMU Craig with a score of 395. Team members were PVT Augustus Dunfey, SPC Nathan Verbickas, SFC Kyle Ward and PVT Kevin Trickett. The team coach was CPL Walter Craig.

The match was well run and everyone who made it possible should take a bow. I highly recommend everyone consider attending these matches next year; the 2009 Creedmoor Cup Matches will take place on 7-10 May. The Camp Butner range is challenging, the match officials and range personnel are professional and the competitors great. This is a match you will want to add to your 2009calendar. Just remember bring your rain gear.

Complete results for the 2008 Eastern Creedmoor Cup Matches are posted on the CMP website at