National Service Rifle and Service Pistol Shooter Rankings Released
- Sergeant Brandon Green and Staff Sergeant James Henderson, both assigned to the U. S. Army Marksmanship Unit, are the country’s top ranked service rifle and service pistol shooters in national rankings just released by the CMP. Current lists of the Top 100 Service Rifle Shooters and the Top 100 Service Pistol Shooters can now be viewed on the CMP website at http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgi-bin/nationalRanking.cgi.
2008 Eastern Creedmoor Cup Matches
- Army Marksmen Take Top Places in the EIC,
Creedmoor Cup and Team Matches
The 2nd Eastern Creedmoor Cup Matches took place at Camp Butner, NC on 8-11 May 2008. These matches were held in conjunction with the Eastern CMP Games Matches that concluded earlier in the week. 343 competitors attended the Camp Butner competitions this year.
New and Improved Facilities Await 2008 National Matches Competitors
- Several new Camp Perry facilities, building renovations and facility improvements are now in their finishing stages and will be ready when 2008 National Matches competitors, volunteers and visitors begin to arrive in early July. Among these new or revitalized facilities are an 80-point CMP air gun range, an expanded National Guard electronic skills trainer, a bathhouse to support RV and tent camping, a new Shooters Memorial Plaza, a new speaker system for the Viale Range pits, CMP Store renovations and major renovations to CMP administrative facilities in its Camp Perry headquarters building. New beach cottages also are under construction, but will not be finished in time for the National Matches.
Creedmoor Cup Highpower Clinic: A Student’s Perspective
- Recently I had the rare opportunity to be the student instead of the administrator at the Creedmoor Cup Highpower Clinic. The experience was far and beyond what I expected to get out of the clinic since I entered it as a semi-experienced shooter. Shooters often have the impression that clinics are just for beginners, and once they know the basics they often think that they have nothing to gain from a clinic, but this is where they have it wrong. Clinics are for shooters of all levels. Unless you are cleaning every position (shooting perfect scores) every time you shoot in competition, you will have something to learn in a clinic. The main thing to remember is to always be a student of the game, and you will always find ways to improve.

Reading Rifle Junior Highpower Clinic 2008
- Despite the rain, cold and wind the 2008 Reading Rifle Club Junior Highpower Clinic, held 3-4 May, was a great success. This was the third year that the Reading,
MA club has held a highpower clinic for juniors and coaches in the spring, and the program
has seen a great deal of growth in that time.
Safety and efficiency were the key issues addresses at this year’s clinic, and a new format was developed for the overall clinic presentation. To help address the needs of new shooters attending the clinic, more hands-on instruction was incorporated this year.
2008 National Junior Olympic Three-Position Air Rifle Championship
- The 2008 National Junior Olympic Three-Position Air Rifle Championship is just around the corner and the program is now posted on the CMP website. The event will take place along with the Progressive Pistol Championships, 9-18 July in Anniston, AL. This will be the first event held at the CMP Competition Center-South, which will feature 80 firing points in the brand new facility.
2008 Eastern CMP Games Matches—More Entries and Great Shooting
- The 2008 edition of the Eastern CMP Games saw a big jump in event entries and, with a break in the weather, some great scores. The first Eastern CMP Games Matches took place in May 2007 at Camp Butner, North Carolina. There were 267 event entries in those matches. This year the final event entry count ended at 398, a significant increase over the first year’s participation. |
CMP Awards $100,000 in Scholarships:
2008-2009 CMP ROTC Scholarship Recipients Announced
- The primary mission of the Civilian Marksmanship Program is to promote marksmanship programs across the country, with a special emphasis on youth. The CMP provides multiple training opportunities throughout the year for juniors and their coaches including three-position air rifle camps and clinics, JROTC instructor courses and highpower clinics. CMP also supports major junior events like the JROTC Nationals and Junior Olympics. In addition to training and match support, each year CMP makes a substantial financial contribution to junior shooters entering or attending college with the CMP ROTC Scholarship Program. The program awards $1000 scholarships to 100 JROTC and ROTC cadets who plan to participate in both ROTC and compete on a rifle team while in college. |

Bushmaster Presents $10,000 for Junior Shooter Support
- Bushmaster Firearms of Windham, Maine, recently made a $10,000.00 contribution to the CMP National Matches Junior Highpower Support Fund. A formal check presentation ceremony took place at Camp Butner, North Carolina on 7 May during the Eastern CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches that took place at Camp Butner on 3 to 11 May. The check represents the proceeds from a special series of Bushmaster DCM-XR competition rifles that were produced to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the National Matches coming to Camp Perry, Ohio.