Standing and Trigger Control By SGT Brandon Green, USAMU Service Rifle Team Member |
We’ve all been there—on the two hundred yard line and in our three-minute prep period. As you stand there looking through your sights, you just can’t seem to make them stay in the center of your target or even close for that matter. You know that your three minutes are running out quickly, so what are you going to do? This is the time when a lot of shooters start to come unraveled. We all know that nothing I tell you here will make you stand up there and shoot center shots all day, but maybe I can bring a few things to light that will help you control the movement and work through times like this. On days when your standing just doesn’t seem to settle, we need to be able to quickly evaluate and, if necessary, rebuild our position to help control the movement. We all know how to stand up, but it’s the standing still part that gives us trouble most of the time.
In order to center the weight of the rifle over my body, I shoot with a good bit of back bend in my position. This helps keep my head more upright and keeps me from getting too much of the back and forth movement that I talked about earlier. I have also tried eliminating the backbend and trying to stand more upright the way some of the other shooters on our team stand, but I find that I start to lean forward as soon as I relax.
My non-firing hand position includes the sling in its grasp underneath the hand guard of the rifle. This helps me get the front of the rifle up to where I want it. I try to grip the hand guard only enough to keep my hand from moving under the rifle. I also try to pay close attention to not gripping so hard that I create tension in my forward arm.
Next I position my head on the stock of the rifle by using a technique we call dragging skin. I start by placing my chin on the top of the stock and dragging it down until my eye is behind the rear sight. Using this technique allows you to pull up all of the excess skin from under your cheek and helps you get the head pressure you need to acquire and keep good sight alignment. Without good head pressure, the rifle will move under your head during recoil. When the rifle does this, you will loose the sight alignment you worked so hard to achieve and it will be very difficult to call your shots. It is very important to check your head position and sight alignment every single shot! You want to be consistent with your head position and the pressure you put on the stock of the rifle. The best way to work on getting a good head position is by doing lots of standing dry fire practice, either at the range or at home. Find a position that allows you to look directly through the center of your rear sight without having to stretch your neck too much.
This brings us to the subject of trigger control. Trigger control is simply the manner in which you move the trigger to the rear to fire the rifle. There are many different ways to move the trigger to the rear, but the key to all of them is being SMOOTH. Most match grade service rifles use a two-stage trigger set at four and a half pounds. The two-stage trigger allows you to take up around two pounds of this weight with the first stage and will break cleanly as you add the other two and a half pounds of pressure. With these triggers I like to use a fairly aggressive trigger control. Of course, the firm grip pressure I use helps me do that. I take up the first stage of the trigger as soon as I get my head positioned on the stock and I usually take three breaths before I exhale and let the sights settle on the target. With the aggressive trigger control I use, I apply the pressure to break the shot as soon as it starts to settle. If I’m having more movement than usual, I try to break the shot as it starts to come into the nine ring. Breaking the shot on the move is tricky sometimes, and you would much rather break it on the way in than on the way out. If you break a shot on the move as it passes through the black, you will most certainly be outside of call. We call this being “behind on the trigger”. When you break a shot as it starts to come onto the target, you are more likely to hit closer to center than you would if you were behind on the trigger. Some people choose to take the first and second stages of the trigger all at once and this will work as long as you are smooth on the trigger. I’ve personally never been able to use this type of trigger control because I tend to pull the trigger way too fast and hard. Whichever type of trigger control you use, it is usually better to be a little aggressive. Being aggressive will usually help you break the shots as soon as they get close to center.